An 18-year-old Christian girl, Shaheen was born into a poor family enslaved at a brick kiln. Despite working day and night they still did not make enough to live.

Shaheen’s father was diagnosed with heart disease and was unable to work for several weeks. The family had to take out another loan to pay for his treatment, but unfortunately he died of sudden cardiac arrest shortly thereafter.

The loan was increasing exponentially but now the brick kiln owner and his assistant began sexually harassing Shaheen and her mother. Because of this, her mother decided to get Shaheen married. She found a suitable husband for her, Naeem, who was also a brick kiln laborer, and they got married.

The owner was very angry at Shaheen and her mother because of this marriage and demanded much more now than the actual loan. All three continued to work at the kiln unable to pay the debt, and Shaheen became pregnant.

When she was five months pregnant, the owner and his assistants kidnapped Shaheen and transferred her to another brick kiln. The owner threatened Naeem and her mother that they would rape Shaheen and kill her child if they did not return the loan. Naeem had arranged some money but the owner increased the loan again. They were helpless and did not know Shaheen’s condition.

Naeem contacted RAM through one of his relatives and asked for help.

We immediately filed a petition in Lahore High Court for the recovery of Shaheen. The court ordered the police to recover her, but because we only had the address of Naeem and Shaheen’s mother, Shaheen could not be found.

It took two weeks of struggle to find her location and one month to free her. She was really weak after she was recovered, but her child was fine.

RAM immediately transferred Shaheen and her husband to the Sablone House. She had a complete medical checkup was done.

After one week Shaheen and her family were transferred to another city where they started settling in to their new life.



18-year-old Naila was hit in the head with a steel rod during a fight in her area. She lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery. Because of that, doctors recommended that she not remain in hot weather for too long.  Unfortunately, Naila’s family did not have their...

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Shumaila and Maria’s Story

Shumaila and Maria’s Story

Sisters Shumaila and Maria are two brilliant students in our sewing class at the Sablone House. Their family takes care of animals that belong to Muslims, and in return they get food and a living place, which they share with the animals. Their own mud house was...

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  Zeeshan is a young Christian enrolled in our 3-month computer training course. Zeeshan belongs to a poor family and is the only earner in the house. He works as a photographer, but he does not have editing skills. He has been paying a editor most of his...

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