As much as we can, we hold mobile medical clinics at brick kilns in the surrounding areas to provide medical care to those in need. Brick kiln workers in particular are subject to many health problems due to severe working conditions, malnutrition, and lack of access to care.

Razia came to our mobile clinic in very bad shape. It seems she was sick for many months, suffering from enteric (typhoid) fever because of drinking contaminated water.

At brick kilns, workers don’t have access to clean water.  

Razia said that she had not eaten anything for the past two days because the brick kiln where she is working had been closed for the past month for maintenance. They did not get anything from the brick kiln owner and didn’t have anything to eat. 

Our physician provided her the required medication and immediately gave her the food which we had arranged for the mobile clinic. We also provided her water purification tablets and guided her on how to use them. 

Later that day, she was feeling much better. Razia is very thankful to World Compassion Fellowship and RAM.

Our staff at the medical Life Center work tirelessly to help patients who cannot afford medical treatment.

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