17-year-old Rabia* belongs to a very poor family. She is the eldest of five children, and her father is very sick.

She enrolled in the sewing program to try to help her family and is very grateful to RAM for the opportunity. 

However, she has weak eyesight that makes it difficult to see the stitches. She does not have enough money to go to an eye doctor and get eyeglasses. 

Women enrolled in our free sewing program have the opportunity to learn an in-demand and marketable skill as well as basic good business practices to assist their families and help to end the cycle of generational poverty, such as being unable to work because of a lack of eyeglasses because of a lack of income in the first place. 

Would you consider helping us support Rabia’s family through sponsoring an eye exam and eyeglasses?

The total cost is $50 USD. To donate, please click here


Thanks to your contributions totaling just $50, Rabia now has eyeglasses and can see properly!

She is very grateful for your support. Now that she can see more clearly, sewing has become easier. This will enable her to gain more income while sewing to help provide for her family. 

*Name changed for security purposes.



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