One brick kiln worker, Norra, has three girls and recently gave birth to a young boy. Due to severe smog, the government shut down work at the brick kiln where they are bonded, and they have not had enough food to feed their family.
They only eat dry bread with water once a day and sometimes nothing at all.
Because she is nursing, without adequate food she is not able to produce enough milk for her baby, who is very weak. He is constantly crying because he is so hungry.
She told us that she is hopeless and brokenhearted to see her children crying for food.
Her daughters have been trying to help her husband but they are too young. In addition, her sick father-in-law lives with them.
When they asked the brick kiln owner for money for food, he only demanded they pay back their loan of $1570 USD.
Now that winter is coming, Norra also said she does not have warm clothes for her baby or her daughters.
Would you also consider supporting these brick kiln families in desperate need?
Each food kit costs $110 and will include a variety of staples needed to support each family.
To contribute, please click here. You can also send a food kit or a portion of a food kit in honor of a loved one through our gift program here.
Thank you in advance for your support!
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