18-year-old Naila was hit in the head with a steel rod during a fight in her area. She lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery. Because of that, doctors recommended that she not remain in hot weather for too long. 

Unfortunately, Naila’s family did not have their own home, so they lived under the open sky. Extreme heat over the summer made it very dangerous for her, but the sewing class at RAM’s Sablone Center, which has air conditioning, provided her some reprieve. 

Naila relayed her story to World Compassion Fund (WCF) during a recent visit to Pakistan. Thanks to WCF, the family was able to construct a home for Naila’s family. 

Naila is one of the brightest students of RAM’s sewing class, and she has already become an expert in sewing.

Naila and her family are very thankful to WCF and RAM for helping them to have their own home.

Aqsa’s Rescue

Aqsa’s Rescue

Day in and out all she has known is work. In a society where men virtually dictate everything, Aqsa represents thousands of young women with little hope to find a better life. The term “better life” does not mean the same that you and I would think. To a Pakistani...

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