This Week's Newsletter
The latest on religious minorities.
Petition to End Forced Marriage
Add your name in support of ending forced marriages.
Persecution in Pakistan | Finding Strength in a Nightmare
One woman’s story of motherhood in Pakistan as a religious minority.
Watch "SWIPE," A Short film on blasphemy
Watch Insider's Documentary on Brick Kiln Slavery
Watch "Shila's Story"
How vocational training has impacted her life. Subtitles in English are available.
The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Send smog relief or sponsor a Pakistani minority family or child. You can even make a gift in honor of a loved one.
Families fed for one month
COVID-19 Response
Pakistani religious minorities and brick kiln workers have been hit especially hard by continued lockdowns, lack of work, and soaring food prices. So far, RAM Foundation has provided 975 food and hygiene kits to families in need.
Click here to learn more.
What We Do
Thanks to a generous contribution from the Harold C. Smith Foundation, RAM now has a computer training center! We recently completed all preparations, and 20 young Christians are now enrolled in a...
In partnership with World Compassion Fellowship, RAM Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of its new medical clinic located next the Sablone House. An overwhelming turnout showed up for...
Fatima’s Rescue
Fatima was a 55-year old woman working in a brick factory in Lalyani, one hour south of Islamabad. She was brutally tortured by the brick factory owner because she refused to work on a day she felt...
Qaiser & Nadeem’s rescue
Twin brothers Qaiser and Nadeem were sold into slavery to a feudal lord when they were five-years-old by their parents to pay for the wedding of their daughter. In Pakistan, parents absolutely must...
Shaheen’s Rescue
An 18-year-old Christian girl, Shaheen was born into a poor family enslaved at a brick kiln. Despite working day and night they still did not make enough to live. Shaheen's father was diagnosed with...