Currently in Pakistan, food prices have soared 30-40 percent due to inflation and weather that has destroyed wheat crops.

We are seeing many patients come in to our medical clinic with symptoms of poor nutrition. When asked why they are not eating properly, they say that they cannot afford food. 

One man, Khadim, came to the medical Life Center with tears in his eyes.  He said that he needed to go to work in the fields, but his body was not letting him do any work.

His wife was also sick, and if he does not work in the fields, they will not have anything to eat. He said that it had been two days since their family had only eaten one meal a day. If he did not go to work that day, they would sleep hungry.

He said that he wants to end his life and could not take this anymore.

Our medical staff checked his vitals. His body was dehydrated, and his blood glucose levels were abnormal. Our medical staff immediately treated him and provided him with the required medication.

After about an hour he was feeling much better. We consoled him and helped him realize that he is not alone in all this.

Dowry System in Pakistani Society

Dowry System in Pakistani Society

DOWRY SYSTEM IN PAKISTANI SOCIETYThis article was originally published in Voice of Journalists, by Mahpara Liaqat. You can read it here. A dowry is a transfer of parental property at the marriage of a daughter. It includes furniture, linen, money etc. Dowry contrasts...

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Emergency Appeal – Attack in Lahore, Pakistan

Emergency Appeal – Attack in Lahore, Pakistan

EMERGENCY APPEAL – ATTACK IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN72 Dead and over 300 religious minorities injured  - Please respond now. Yesterday evening at 6:30pm, Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park, located in a predominantly Christian neighborhood, was shaken by a blast from a devastating suicide...

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Emergency Funding Needed to Rescue Women at Risk in Pakistan

Dear Friends,We have been working hard for Pakistan over the last few years. We have big dreams for what we can accomplish to help the persecuted people there, and we are finally getting a chance to help in a big way. If you care to look at the video here, you can see...

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