In January 2019, Imran was working in a textile factory as a sweeper but had not received his salary since the previous October. Every time he asked his manager, he was told that he would get it in a few days.

However, Imran had a wife and two daughters, and it was very difficult for him to provide for his family without the salary.

In mid-January, he again asked for his salary from the manager. The manager informed him that he would only receive his salary if he converts to Islam.

Imran refused to convert and said politely that it has become impossible for him to live without his salary. The manager asked him to come the next day.

The next day, he again went to the manager and asked for his salary. The manager asked him to get out of his office to which Imran replied that he would not leave without his salary. The manager asked the guards of the factory to beat him and lock him in a room.

When Imran did not return home, his wife Perveen went to the factory, but they would not tell her where he was.

That evening she contacted us and asked for help. She said that she heard from one of Imran’s colleagues that they tortured him and locked in in a store room. 

On January 18th, our lawyers filed a petition in the Lahore High Court to recover Imran. The court immediately ordered the local police to recover Imran and present him before the court.

Police raided the factory and recovered Imran in very bad condition. The court then ordered the police to file a case against the manager on the statement of Imran.

Without legal assistance, it is not possible to say what would have happened to Imran and his family.

Legal support such as RAM provides is just one of the ways we seek to end cycles of poverty for religious minorities in Pakistan. If you would like to contribute to our efforts to assist those in desperate need, please click here.

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