Farzana’s Rescue

Farzana’s Rescue

Farzana and Babar were a young Christian couple with two children, Sharon and Fariha, who worked in a brick kiln. RAM came to meet Farzana when she attended a vocational training workship hosted by RAM. Farzana told us that about their situation in the brick kiln. She...
Imran’s Rescue

Imran’s Rescue

In January 2019, Imran was working in a textile factory as a sweeper but had not received his salary since the previous October. Every time he asked his manager, he was told that he would get it in a few days. However, Imran had a wife and two daughters, and it was...
Arif Masih & Family’s rescue

Arif Masih & Family’s rescue

Arif Masih is a poor Christian man born in a brick kiln where his father and grandfathers were working as a slave. Nasreen, his wife, has the same background. They got married in a brick kiln with the previous debts of their respective families. God blessed them with...
Aqsa’s Rescue

Aqsa’s Rescue

Aqsa’s Rescue Day in and out all she has known is work. In a society where men virtually dictate everything, Aqsa represents thousands of young women with little hope to find a better life. The term “better life” does not mean the same that you and I would...
Imran’s Rescue

Mukhtar’s Rescue

As Pakistan continue to struggle with corruption, injustice, unemployment, extremism, and political turmoil, we remain faithful to our call to help the destitute and needy. As Mukhtar Masih sat in the RAM office groaning with hunger, and covered in bruises and lashes...
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