Arif Masih & Family’s rescue
Arif Masih is a poor Christian man born in a brick kiln where his father and grandfathers were working as a slave. Nasreen, his wife, has the same background. They got married in a brick kiln with the previous debts of their respective families. God blessed them with...
Second-Class Citizen Day | Religious Minorities in Pakistan
Earlier this month, Pakistan celebrated its eighth National Minorities Day. The day’s significance originates from a speech in which Pakistan’s founder, Mohammad Ali Jimnah, envisioned a Pakistan that would be respectful of all religious backgrounds. “You may belong...
No Honor in Murder: Calling It What It Is
The recent strangling of Qandeel Baloch, a Pakistani social media star, by her brother has revealed the widespread issue of honor killings throughout Pakistan. Despite Baloch’s controversial publicity, her fame helped to illuminate the growing problem of abuse against...
Lack of Healthcare for Pakistani Minorities
The news agency Dawn recently published an article drawing attention to Pakistan’s meager health care system. Aptly titled “My 10 Days of Hell at a Lahore Hospital,” the middle-class author describes the miserable treatment, or rather lack thereof, given to her...
Pakistani women stayed in abusive marriages because Pakistan failed
This article was originally published in Dawn. You can read the full article here. When domestic abuse is discussed on TV and in drawing rooms, people often ask: why didn't she leave her violent husband? Dania endured violent beatings during her pregnancies. But...
Aqsa’s Rescue
Day in and out all she has known is work. In a society where men virtually dictate everything, Aqsa represents thousands of young women with little hope to find a better life. The term “better life” does not mean the same that you and I would think. To a Pakistani...
Abram a Survivor of the Easter Suicide Bombing in Pakistan Needs Help!
Abram a Survivor of the Easter Suicide Bombing in Pakistan Needs Help!Abram, along with his four friends was present in the park at the time of the blast. A splinter faction of the Pakistani Taliban, Jamaat ul-Ahrar, claimed responsibility for the attack, which the...
Lahore Blast Victims-RAM Team Aids the Victims of the Blast
LAHORE BLAST VICTIMS-RAM TEAM AIDS THE VICTIMS OF THE BLASTOn the 27th of March, on Easter evening, Christians were attacked once again in Pakistan and this time terrorists attacked the innocent people in a public park—Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore. They killed 74...
Dowry System in Pakistani Society
DOWRY SYSTEM IN PAKISTANI SOCIETYThis article was originally published in Voice of Journalists, by Mahpara Liaqat. You can read it here. A dowry is a transfer of parental property at the marriage of a daughter. It includes furniture, linen, money etc. Dowry contrasts...
Emergency Appeal – Attack in Lahore, Pakistan
EMERGENCY APPEAL – ATTACK IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN72 Dead and over 300 religious minorities injured - Please respond now. Yesterday evening at 6:30pm, Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park, located in a predominantly Christian neighborhood, was shaken by a blast from a devastating suicide...
Emergency Funding Needed to Rescue Women at Risk in Pakistan
Dear Friends,We have been working hard for Pakistan over the last few years. We have big dreams for what we can accomplish to help the persecuted people there, and we are finally getting a chance to help in a big way. If you care to look at the video here, you can see...
Mukhtar’s Rescue
As Pakistan continue to struggle with corruption, injustice, unemployment, extremism, and political turmoil, we remain faithful to our call to help the destitute and needy. As Mukhtar Masih sat in the RAM office groaning with hunger, and covered in bruises and lashes...
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