Amna recently traveled about 18 miles with her children to come our medical Life Center. She told us that for 16 months she had suffered from scabies. Nothing had healed her.
As a result, not even her own relatives would come to her house anymore. Her husband had died from tuberculosis three years prior.
Our physician prescribed the proper medication to Amna. Within a couple of weeks, she returned to thank us as she was completely healed.
Amna is very grateful to RAM and our partner World Compassion Fellowship for providing the medical care free of cost.
To contribute to our work ending cycles of poverty in Pakistan, please click here.
Emergency Appeal – Attack in Lahore, Pakistan
EMERGENCY APPEAL – ATTACK IN LAHORE, PAKISTAN72 Dead and over 300 religious minorities injured - Please respond now. Yesterday evening at 6:30pm, Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park, located in a predominantly Christian neighborhood, was shaken by a blast from a devastating suicide...
Emergency Funding Needed to Rescue Women at Risk in Pakistan
Dear Friends,We have been working hard for Pakistan over the last few years. We have big dreams for what we can accomplish to help the persecuted people there, and we are finally getting a chance to help in a big way. If you care to look at the video here, you can see...
Mukhtar’s Rescue
As Pakistan continue to struggle with corruption, injustice, unemployment, extremism, and political turmoil, we remain faithful to our call to help the destitute and needy. As Mukhtar Masih sat in the RAM office groaning with hunger, and covered in bruises and lashes...