Amna recently traveled about 18 miles with her children to come our medical Life Center. She told us that for 16 months she had suffered from scabies. Nothing had healed her.

As a result, not even her own relatives would come to her house anymore. Her husband had died from tuberculosis three years prior. 

Our physician prescribed the proper medication to Amna. Within a couple of weeks, she returned to thank us as she was completely healed. 

Amna is very grateful to RAM and our partner World Compassion Fellowship for providing the medical care free of cost.

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Rasheeda, who belongs to a poor Christian family, lives near RAM. She is diabetic and suffers from hypertension. Her husband brought her to our medical clinic. She could not walk or stand properly because of many wounds on her feet. Our medical staff quickly...

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Shama and her family were enslaved in brick kiln factory. Because Shama contracted polio in her childhood, she is disabled and cannot walk and work properly. She was suffering great pain from working at the brick kiln, but unless she and her family met a daily quota...

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18-year-old Naila was hit in the head with a steel rod during a fight in her area. She lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery. Because of that, doctors recommended that she not remain in hot weather for too long.  Unfortunately, Naila’s family did not have their...

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